If you are interesting in travelling, Manungkot is the best destination for you. Manungkot locates in Tanahun district. Tanahun is about 150 km far away from Kathmandu and 50 km from Pokhara. To go to Manungkot to explore, you can find public transportation from any places. If you are interesting to visit to Manungkot, you feel better that day.
Damauli is capital city of Tanahun. Manungkot is 11 km away from Damauli bazar. It’s altitude about 1000 meters high from sea level. This place is attraction for local tourists. When you reach the top then you see fog surrounding downside in the morning. We can see beautiful sunrise in the early morning. There is crowdy specially teenagers visit and make Tik Tok ,facebook live and take photos. This is also best dating place for new couples. Let’s visit Manungkot Danda.