We reached Sri Lanka’s capital Colombo from Chennai towards middle of March. Although Indian immigration gave us a lot of pain, but we are very happy when we finally reached Colombo. At first we went to a hotel near the Kollupitiya beach from the airport. When we reached Sri Lanka, we came to know India and Nepal are most pollutions and dirty countries comparing Sri Lanka. Climate was very hot and it was difficult to go out. We rested that day. The next day, we explored with bicycle for city tour all over the Colombo city.
Sri Lankan foods are a bit different with Nepali foods and these are compatible with South Indian foods. They use vinegar much and make sour vegetable, fish, meat etc. So I felt that sour foods are tough a bit. I came to know the food’s names are Fish ambul thiya ( sour fish curry), Kukul mas curry ( chicken curry), Porippu ( daal curry), Kottu, Kiribath etc.
    We explored another day from early in the morning to Galle and Bentota about 80 km far away from our hotel. We enjoyed early morning’s journey to Galle and Bentota for boating. We were excited to be experienced by exploring boat because Nepal has no sea. We reached around 11 am, there is not crowd in highway, travelled with very smoothly. We paid for boat exploring for 30 minutes. There was really amazing to explore and many foreign tourists were enjoying on boats. Around 1 pm we took our lunch and rested for a while and returned to hotel.
    We travelled by bicycle to coconuts tree farm and observed there. Coconuts water is really good for health and it is also tasty to drink. Then after we explored beach sides. Many tourists from many countries were enjoying swimming, sleeping on sand, walking along on beach side. We also visited lotus tower. Lotus tower is very tall in Colombo and we can see from far distances. Local and foreigners were taking photos, face book live and making videos. We went to shopping market near place and bought iphone because there was cheap compare Nepal. We collected more experiences in Sri Lanka by cycling. I am continue sharing my experience with you the next blog……. see you.