January 13, 2025 2:28 am
January 13, 2025 2:28 am

No Ring road expansion

Kathmandu, 26 October: Years have passed since the second of Ring road expansion was discussed. But the work has not yet picked up speed. It is not clear when the construction will start. Even after two months have passed since the signing of the letter between Nepalese and Chinese governments regarding the expansion of Ring road.

The second section is going to extend 8.2 km from Kalanki to Basundhara. Krishnanath Ojha, the head of the Kathmandu Ring road expansion project, said that although it was heard that the expansion officials of the two countries had signed the agreement to cooperate in the expansion, the official documents has not yet arrived.

‘The size of the grant given by Chinese government for Nepal is small, this may have been problem in the expansion of the Ring road with Chinese grant,’ former secretary Tulsi Sitaula said. But it is easy to work by asking a loan for expansion it. 

The Ring road from Kalanki to Basundhara, which has been haphazardly destroyed, has increased traffic jam, main vehicular is narrow and mud when rain comes and dust flying when the sun shines have added to the misery of the locals. The Chinese team said construction would begin within 10 months after officials from the two countries signed the agreement. So far neither the Nepal government has expressed interest nor the Chinese government has taken the work forward.

Picture of Phatam B. Gurung

Phatam B. Gurung


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