Kathmandu, Bhadra 19 (Sep 6): Compare to the Thursday, the prices of UD dollar, and Pound Starling have increased. According to the exchange rate of foreign currency published by Nepal Rastra Bank today. The buying rate of 1 US dollar is 134.08 rupees and selling rate is 134.68 rupees. On the Thursday, the buying price of one of this currency was 134.05 rupees and selling price was 134.65 rupees.
Likewise, on Thursday, the buying rate of 1 Euro was 148.16 rupees and selling rate was 148.82 rupees. While today, the buying rate of 1 Euro is 148.93 rupees and selling rate is 149.60 rupees.
Today’s buying rate of 1 UK pound is 176.64 rupees and selling is 177.43 rupees according to the Rastra Bank.
The buying rate of 1 Swiss Franc is 158.47 and selling is 159.18 rupees. 1 Australian dollar, for buying is 90.24 rupees and selling is 90.65 rupees. 1 Canadian dollar for buying is 99.25 rupees and selling rate is 99.70 rupees. 1 Singapore dollar is 103.03 rupees and selling rate is 103.49 rupees.
10 Japanese Yen for buying is 9.34 rupees and selling price is 9.39 rupees, 1 Chinese yuan is 18.90 rupees for buying and selling is 18.98 rupees, 1 Saudi riyal is 35.72 rupees for buying and 35.88 rupees for selling. The buying rate of 1 Thai baht is 3.98 rupees and selling price is 4 rupees, 1 UAE dirham is 36.51 rupees for buying and 36.67 rupees for selling.
The buying rate of 1 Malaysian ringgit is 30.91 rupees and selling rate is 30.05 rupees, 100 Korean won is 10,5 rupees and selling price is 10.9 rupees, 1 Swedish kroner is 13.07 rupees and selling price is 13.13 rupees